100 True Ghost Stories

100 True Ghost Stories

True Ghost Stories


100 True Ghost Stories is a bumper compilation of the first four True Ghost Stories books by Alan Toner, so if you have already bought Vols. 1-4 of the True Ghost Stories series, you won’t need to buy this book, unless you want them all together in one big volume.

100 True Ghost Stories contains some of the most terrifying real-life cases of hauntings from both the UK and around the world. As well as including such famous cases as The Haunted Whaley House, The Amityville Horror and The Winchester Mystery House, the book also features lesser-known true ghost stories like The Haunted Wirral Museum, The Supermarket Spirit, The Bottom-Pinching Ghost and many more. If you love true ghost stories, then you will enjoy this book. Ideal reading for a cold, dark, winter’s night.

100 True Ghost Stories is now also available on Apple, Kobo, Nook and other ebook formats. Click on the following link to buy your chosen format: books2read.com/u/b6k9p6